Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Yoga as Healing (medicine)

Yoga obviously would not be considered a traditional medicine, like antibiotics or ibuprofen, in our culture. Although, that does not mean that it has no medical benefits. At the beginning of each class, Stevee asks us if we have sustained any injuries throughout the week, or if we are having any other problems. Maybe back pain or stress or headaches. A lot of times most people just say no, but every now and then someone will say yes and explain the problem, or ailment. Stevee then tailors the nights class in a manner that will best help with the problem. 
For me personally, I have noticed that since starting the weekly classes my shoulder does not bother me as much, or I guess it isn't as sore as usual would be a better way to put it. I injured it a few years back but my insurance would not cover the physical therapy for it, so it has bothered me ever since. This was not an overnight thing though. Actually, in the beginning, it was more sore than usual, but that was most likely due to the fact that I tend to not use that arm as much because it will start to bother me. Over the past two months though I have noticed a change in the level of soreness and I have actually started using it more than I use to. 
I guess in a way yoga can be used for medicinal purposes. Things like physical therapy or something similar. Honestly, I don't really see many other purposes for a medicine type use despite all the healing stories I have read. 

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