Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Yoga as a Lifestyle & Culture

This week's prompt has to do with yoga being a lifestyle and culture. In my practice, Stevee tries to keep it very much to the traditional Yin Yoga, and not any of the crazy stuff that yoga has branched off into. Although, it is easy to see the trend toward "pop culture". Anyone that has a Facebook can see various videos of all types of different variations of yoga that have been invented. Things like goat yoga, wine yoga, and the most recent one I saw (that I'm still hoping was a joke or parody) chicken nugget yoga. None of the items listed have anything to do with traditional yoga but instead, have been incorporated into the classes to bring in more people and more money. Another thing that can be found is the incorporation of things like hip-hop into yoga classes or any other forms of music that wouldn't be considered traditional. This combined with the highly sexualized yoga clothing screams pop culture and is meant to pull in the younger crowds. In the classes I go to on Tuesday night they are mostly young people, and many of them do wear the high priced yoga gear and have fancy mats that look like they most likely cost a decent amount of money. On the other hand, when I attended the class at the Hindu temple this was predominantly older people and a lot of them just wore sweats and tees, so this does point out a vast contrast in the way the different age groups perceive the yoga lifestyle. 

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