Thursday, February 8, 2018

Bikram Yoga

Today in class we did a Bikram yoga practice. Honestly, I really thought I was going to fall and hurt myself or whoever was next to me. Once we got started though it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Although, had it been in an actual studio with the 105°temperatures I'm sure it would not have gone as well. The biggest difference I noticed between this class and the one I normally go to on Tuesday nights was that the teacher did not participate with us. Stevee usually does the poses with us and demonstrates them first. Kris did not demonstrate or participate, which I was told later on is actually standard for a Bikram class. I am not really sure how I felt about that, but Kris himself was a very nice man. He described the poses in sufficient enough detail that I feel like most of us were able to figure out what he wanted. In regards to the physical culture prompt for this week, I did hear a little of that. He kept saying that the postures were good for our digestive systems and how specific postures were good for different kinds of pain in different parts of the body. At the end of the class he even told us about how he first got introduced to Bikram, and about how it helped out with all the pain he had after the first class he attended. Honestly, I am not sure that Bikram is for me. I have shit balance and kept feeling like I was constantly going to topple over. Although, I would definitely like to at least try it in a studio with the heat at least once. 

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