Friday, February 23, 2018

Ashtanga Yoga

This week in class practice was Ashtanga Yoga. Our instructor's name is Loren Russo. She was really nice and extremely knowledgeable about what she does. Ashtanga seemed to be much more high impact than the other styles I have tried so far. Well with the exception of Bikram of course. I am not very flexible so I found this style to probably be the hardest for me personally. Especially the binding parts because it felt like my arms were just way to short to accomplish what she was demonstrating for us. Getting to see the headstands and some of the other poses that require a very high amount of flexibility was pretty amazing. It was completley different to see someone do them in front of you as opposed to seeing someone do them in a picture or on screen. 
As far as the prompt for this week, yoga practice as community, I feel like having a single class doesn't really allow for a sense of community. Although, the class overall does have a sense of community, or perhaps camaraderie is a better word. Most of us have no idea what we are doing, so that kind of helps us to bond together because we are all falling over and thinking we look stupid together. 

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