Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Yoga Practice as Community

The group of people that come to the Tuesday night yoga class at The Lodge is pretty consistent. Occasionally it does fluctuate, and a new face or two may show up or a face may disappear for the week but that does not happen often. I feel like because of this consistency it has allowed for us to have a sense of community. We talk about each others days and classes before and after class. We try to make sure the props are distributed so that everyone has what they need. I also think the fact that the large majority of the people attending are students gives a stronger sense of community as well because that is something that everyone has in common outside the realm of yoga. 
Stevee is also good at making the group feel like a whole as opposed to a bunch of individuals stuck in a room together. She tells us stories about her yoga experiences and also asks us to share if we are comfortable doing so. She asks about our weeks and if we have anything special we would like to do in class that day. 
Overall the atmosphere actually puts me in a better mood when I leave. Especially if I have been having a bad day. Most of these people I only see that one time during the week, but I talk with them in a friendly manner more so than the way I would with an acquaintance. 

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