Thursday, February 15, 2018

Iyengar Yoga

Our in class practice this week was Iyengar yoga. The teacher was Annie Stiver. I enjoyed Annie's class very much. Her personality was very calming and she had a very encouraging manner about her. Getting to use some of the props that I haven't previously had a chance to use yet was also interesting. Some of the poses I was familiar with already from classes with Stevee, so that made things a little easier. Still not so great at the balancing thing, but I'm sure if I decide to stick with this after the semester has ended that will eventually become easier. 
As for this weeks prompt, practice as ritual, it was a little hard to visualize anything as "ritual" in a classroom like our practice was. I guess the best I would be able to say in this regard is the use of the props and the way in which Annie presented everything to us was in a ritual manner. Perhaps a better way to put it would be the way in which Annie structured her class gave it a ritual feel. 

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