Friday, March 9, 2018

Sivananda Yoga

This weeks in class practice was with Jenn and she showed us Sivananda Yoga. I really enjoyed her class. She was very down to earth, and she showed a genuine love of the style of yoga she was teaching. Personally, I do not think this style would work for me. Having shoulder damage makes it a little hard for me to perform the head and should stands that this style entails. Although, I did really like the little speech thing that she says during the beginning of the class while we were relaxing. It gave the class a very comfortable and calming aspect right from the start. I also liked the fact that she went around and helped individuals while trying to do the head and shoulder stands, as well as going around and correcting peoples postures for other postures. It made it much more personal, in my opinion, than say a Bikram class where the teacher just sits or stands in the corner and directs the students. If it was not for the various head and shoulder stands that are involved I would probably place this style up at the top of my favorites list. 

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