Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Definition of Yoga

Within our practice space, I feel like yoga is defined as more than one thing. It is used as a spiritual means for some, but also as a physical means for others. Some of those present do their prayers on their mats before the class. Finishing just as Stevee comes in and usually meditating until she starts the class. Others thank Stevee at the end of class for being the "light that guides us". On the other hand, there are student athletes there that use the class as another part of their training. Something to help aid them in staying fit. There are also a few older people that attend and are not students. They come with Stevee for each class. I have only had a few chances to speak with them, and I'm sure their reasons for being in the class would be as varied as the students that are attending.
 The multitude of definitions can also be seen in the way that Stevee leads the class. She always asks about our health in regards to if anyone has gotten any injuries. She also asks if anyone is looking for a specific type of class that day regarding the types of postures she should have us do. Focusing on the physical aspects defining the class as a type of physical fitness class. However, she also chants "Om" and lowers the lights giving it a more ritualistic feel, as well as defining the class as more of a spiritual gathering than physical. 
Since I feel that there are multiple definitions, or rather the class is defined by the individual to meet their needs, that it can have connections outside the classroom. Those that use it as a spiritual time could also connect it with prayer and other things outside of the class. Those that see it as fitness could choose to do the postures at home on their own time incorporating them into a workout routine they do.
I do not think that yoga will be defined in the same way by any two people. People come to yoga in different ways and for different reasons. Due to that their definition of yoga, and even their definition of the postures as well as other things, are all going to be different. 

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