Monday, April 9, 2018

Vipassana Meditation

This weeks in class practice was a meditation practice. Marcello was very nice and had a very laid back attitude. He seemed very informed about not only meditation but the effects it has on an individual in the physical as well as mental aspects. I enjoyed his presentation showing the different slides of the brains and how long-term meditation can cause changes. As for the actual meditation we only got to do this for about twenty minutes. I got a little antsy towards the end, but I figured that would be the case. Had we done a full hour or so I probably would have had a lot more trouble sitting still and concentrating. Sitting still for prolonged periods is a problem I've had my whole life. I get fidgety so I never really gave meditation a thought because I didn't think I'd be able to fully invest myself into it. Although, maybe after a great deal of time and practice I could. I definitely felt sleepy afterward and having insomnia anything that can make me sleepy in that short of a time is something I'm interested in learning more about. 

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