Saturday, April 21, 2018

Pranayama & Practice

In my usual class, we do three different types of pranayama. The three that we do are kapalabhati, ujjayii, and surya bhedana. Most times we will do at least one of these breathwork practices at some point in the class. Although, I'm sure there may have been one or two times when we did not. We usually do not do it for very long. I feel that the purpose for us is first so that we can become familiar with it because many of us had never tried it before. Secondly, I feel that it is used as more of a calming tool and a means to help us focus and block out the various distractions in our practice area. Breathwork, in my opinion, is not the focus of our practice. I feel that if it was we would take part in it much more often and for longer periods of time. Perhaps if we had more time or were able to meet more often we could focus more closely on the breath work. As it is though I feel that Stevee tries to give us a balanced class that touches on the postures as well as the breath work so that we can experience everything. 

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