Friday, January 26, 2018

Starting My Practice

I probably should have read the fine print when I signed up for this class...but here we are. Hopefully, I make it through this semester without causing bodily injury to myself or others (fingers crossed). 
I attended my first yoga class ever on Tuesday. Honestly, I wasn't really sure what to expect since I had nothing to base it off of other than what you see in the media. I attended the class at the Lakeside Lodge on Stockton's Campus. I've been in the Lodge before but never for an actual event, so this was a first. Everyone that attended just kind of picked a spot at random. I chose a spot in the back for two reasons. One, so no one could see how stupid I look if I fell over, and two so that my note taking wouldn't be a distraction to any of the other people that were there. The Lodge itself really wasn't the best place in my opinion, but on-campus options are limited. It felt a little too big to me, especially after watching Enlighten Up!, because, for the most part, all the studios seemed to be on the smaller side making it more intimate. The people there were predominantly female, and all students. They were friendly and even helpful. The one girl explained what to expect from this class, and how it differed from the Thursday one in case I wanted to try that one as well. 
I was actually surprised that I was able to do all the postures that the instructor had us do with little to no trouble. Although, it did seem to be low impact to me. Mostly breathing techniques and a few postures. Perhaps that will change in future classes. 
The instructor's name is Stevee. She was using the Yin style of yoga, and she spent some time teaching us the breathing technique pranayama. She's been teaching for about 30 years, give or take. She trained in Philadelphia, the Yoga Research Society, as well as a few other places. 

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